Category: Ataxia UK
Posted on 04.06.2020
During the Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing lockdown, all charities have had to adapt the way in which they provide their services. We caught up with Childlife Trustee, Dan Beacon, who is Head of Fundraising and Communications at our member charity, Ataxia UK, to find out some of the ways they’ve been continuing to support their community.
“Ataxia UK has established a number new virtual services to help tackle the extended isolation caused by lockdown, including virtual clubs such as book, music and film clubs and virtual quiz nights via video conferencing.
“We have provided specific medical and social guidance for people with ataxia by running webinars with ataxia clinical specialists and creating a new section of the website with detailed advice and information. We have also surveyed Ataxia UK members to assess the impact of Covid19 on the short and long-term health of people with ataxia.
“Many of our local support groups and branches have moved to meet virtually and are helping out one another on a local basis and we continue to support the community with the helpline via phone and email. We are also launching a telephone befriending service for those isolated by ataxia which is further compounded by lockdown”.
Hopefully it will be possible for Ataxia UK to return to face-to-face support in the not too distant future, but for now, keep up the great virtual work.